Dear Valentin,
First of all, let me express my gratitude to you and the city of SOFIA for your enthusiastic participation in the project VIVA EUROPA 2011 JUNE 13TH, integrated within the European Year of Volunteering. One more year, the event has been a success, so it has been expressed by the participating cities, organizers and general public that have taken part in this major cultural initiative.
After collecting the relevant information from the partner cities, we completed a report about the outcome of the event, mainly containing photographs, local promotion and media coverage across Europe.
This summary can be found online from 2 August in our web page ("Report Viva Europa 2011").
Please, do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information.
With best regards,
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Project Coordination
Pascual y Genis, 19 - 46002 Valencia (Spain)
Tel./Fax: +34-963 515 705
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The National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria and the Hanns Seidel Foundation have the pleasure to invite you to the public - political forum.
"Lobbying in the European institutions"
29 April 2011
The National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria and the Hanns Seidel Foundation have the pleasure to invite you to the public - political forum.
"Lobbying in the European institutions"
FEBRUARY 21 /Monday/ 2011
At the invitation of the Council of Europe the President of NAMCB was an official guest at the three-day seminar in Istanbul, which is part of the three modules of the Council of Europe's Leadership Academy program. At this first meeting between representatives of both organizations opportunities for future partnership in the forthcoming 2011 were discussed.
The National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bulgaria and Hanns-Seidel Foundation, are organizing for a fifth year in a row the international conference "The European City - Urbanization and Architecture, Security and Finance" on 16th and 17th September 2010 in Sofia.
The official presentation of the book "More Machiavelli in Brussels /The art of lobbying in the EU/" by Prof. Rinus van Schendelen, professor of political science at Erasmus University Rotterdam, will be held on 15th September 2010 at 7 PM in Hall No.6 of the National Palace of Culture. NAMCB owns the rights for its publishing in Bulgarian language. The President of the Board of NAMCB, Mr. Valentin Lazarov and the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bulgaria H.E. Karel van Kesteren will host the event, which will be attended by the author of the book Prof Rinus van Schendelen.
The President of the Board of NAMCB, Mr. Valentin Lazarov announced the establishment of a training academy for elective employees and experts from the municipalities. That happened during the international seminar Prevention and Fight against Corruption, which was held on 11th and 12th June 2010 in Sunny Beach resort. The first session of the Academic Council, which includes representatives from Bulgaria, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium and Spain, will take place on 15th September in Sofia during the fifth annual international conference of the association.
The NAMCB with the Foundation "Hanns Seidel" organize conference "The process of decentralization in Bulgaria". The conference we would like to invite you to will be held on 15th and16th May /Saturday and Sunday/ in Pravetz, a city near Sofia. Its main topic will be decentralization in the financial and fiscal sphere, security and public order, social policy and education, planning and management of funds on EU programs. We have invited the Prime-Minister of Bulgaria Mr. Boyko Borissov, Ministers and Deputy Ministers, municipal mayors, the Governor of the Region of Sofia, the Ambassadors of Germany, Italy, France, the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of Netherlands.
Internation seminar “Cooperation between Bulgaria and Macedonia in bilateral projects” – 29th March 2010 in Park hotel Pirin, Sandanski. In the seminar participation will take mayors from Bulgaria and Macedonia, representatives of the central authorities and non-profit organizations.