Project Patostreaming
Project THEY.EA
Project E-ONE
Project MESAP
Project Ga.M.E.S.Net
Project PAVITT
Integrated service
The national association of municipal clerks in Bulgaria (NAMCB)is a professional association non economic object, established in July 2005 in Sofia. The idea of its establishment and its objects are borrowed from the International Institute of the Municipal Clerks (IIMC), founded in the USA in 1947. The experience of this international organization, which has over 10 400 members from the USA, Canada, Holland, England, Portugal, Belgium, Australia as well as countries from South America and Africa, is passed with the help of The Certification Institute of The Municipal Clerks for Central and East Europe (CIMCCEE), which was registered in our country in 2004 and is the first of its type out of the North America. NAMCB has for an object to help the continuing training and qualification of municipal clerks in Bulgaria by organizing seminars, conferences, experience exchange, information and reference activity, as it takes part in national and international programmes and projects.